Watertightness and breathability
Waterproof material
Waterproof materials prevent water from soaking through, they have properties that keep out rain and snow and keep the body dry. Waterproofness is measured in the amount of water, expressed through millimetres, that can be pressed onto the material before water can pass through. Waterproof fabrics are made by laminating or covering the material with a waterproof membrane.
The special thing about breathable materials and what makes them comfortable to wear is that sweat can penetrate and thus escape the body. It can do this due to a special membrane used in these materials. In the membrane there are a lot of holes, which are of a size that allows sweat to pass through, but water droplets cannot.
There are different degrees of breathability, depending on how quickly sweat passes through the material. The way to measure breathability is to look at how many grams of sweat there are per m2 of fabric over 24 hours (g/m2/24h).
For products with special features such as waterproofing and breathability, it’s important to treat the garment correctly to ensure a long life and performance.
Washing instructions should be followed carefully and cleaning products made specifically for this type of material should be used. This ensures that the membranes on the material last longer, and thus the product retains its special properties for a longer time. If the product is not treated correctly, the membrane will be damaged and its special properties will quickly disappear.
Taped seams
To ensure that a product remains completely waterproof, all seams should be covered with a special tape. This tape enhances the product's properties and is used on rainwear and some skiwear.