The best shorts in 2024: bermuda, mini, or linen shorts?

The best shorts in 2024: bermuda, mini, or linen shorts?

Summer is upon us, and it's a perfect opportunity to update your wardrobe with new shorts. Are you ready to rock bermuda, mini, or linen shorts? We present to you the three trendiest shorts so you can look cool in the summer heat.

Bermuda shorts

Bermuda shorts are back in the spotlight. With their longer length and relaxed fit, these shorts have conquered the fashion scene in 2024. They give you a relaxed and sophisticated look that works for both everyday wear and more formal occasions.

Mini shorts

The super short shorts are a hit year after year. Mini shorts are perfect for hot summer days when you want to show off your legs.

Linen shorts

Linen is a huge trend this year and is made of the most delightful material to wear in the summer heat. So if you're looking for the perfect balance between style and comfort, linen shorts are an absolute must-have.